marketing brainstorming ideas

Drag and drop all your inspiration into your board. In pairs, each person has one minute to tell their life story. has earned a bad reputation. Create a diagram starting with a central idea, and then branch out into major sub-topics, then sub-sub-topics. This is a good opportunity to define the boundaries and Organizing a brainstorm can be daunting. At the end of the Charrette, each idea has been discussed and refined multiple times. There are two kinds of brainstorming sessions in the world: The kind that leaves you energized and inspired, and the kind that leaves you drained, feeling like you came away with more questions than answers. Running a campaign for each piece can dramatically improve results.,,,,,, 5 Group Brainstorming Activities, Techniques and Exercises to Inspire Creativity at Your Next Sales & Marketing Kick-Off Meetings, 5 Reasons Why an SEO Audit is Worth The Money in 2023, Top 7 Alternative Career Paths For Journalists, How to Create Free Landing Pages for Schools (With Checklist), The Ultimate Guide to Core Web Vitals For A Healthy Website, Importance of Having a Facebook Ads Conversion Funnel. Why did you create your business? You can find mind-mapping software online, but old-fashioned pen and paper will work well, too. This was successful because it tied into an important social issue and created a stir within the athletic community. Our clients customers always seem to interact with content on , Our clients target audience needs to learn more about . As part You now know the creative processes and techniques used to generate world-class ideas. Occasionally the jokes are clever winners, but more often than not, the jokes are groaners. The exercise will likely take 10 to 15 minutes per persona investigated. She believes in the power of words, and the impact they can have on people. We want to start with blank canvases. (For example, a marketer might ask themselves, Is this the kind of content that our customer wants to see? or a salesperson might ask themselves, Knowing how busy our target customer tends to be, maybe we need to rethink our outreach strategy.), The exercise should only take 10 to 15 minutes for each persona.. Once youve gone through the five whys, analyze the findings and begin to develop an action plan. Sometimes, you may need more. Movie fans who responded with an amusing idea were given a free stay at a listing that matched their dream. To play, you must first identify the person you are evaluating (say, a customer or end-user of your product). further refine and develop the idea until youve exhausted its possibilities. hoping to attain multiple ideas from the session. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(53, '46f97ca9-9b61-4915-beb5-7ee158c1a1d3', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); Get expert marketing tips straight to your inbox, and become a better marketer. Its time to put this all together into a cohesive campaign proposal. Once you are done, as a group you should evaluate the ideas and identify the ones that seem most worthwhile in pursuing. However, before we go through a good brainstorm warm-up, we need to know that were warming up the right things. Saalt Menstrual Cups, for example, pair how-to video campaigns alongside the launch of new products.The video tutorials and written instructions allow customers to see the product in action and understand its key features and benefits. If you love this game, you are welcome here. Be directly related to the topic of your campaign. Give me your best ideas right now! approach amusing, it wont work. Talk about pressure! It also prevents discussion before all the ideas are in. Reach out to that brand that makes that snack and collaborate on a campaign. Not only that but they will boost energy and positive vibes in the room (its contagious, you know)! But some members on your team might be worried they'll sound stupid or uninformed if they pitch ideas that aren't well thought-out. Mind mapping is another powerful brainstorming tool to visualize related terms and ideas. Record the idea. for a productive session. The zanier the truths the more likely you are to stump your colleagues. Participants are encouraged to think of ideas no matter how wild and way out they may seem, on the grounds that the ideas can later be shaped into something usable 0558. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Though somewhat controversial, this campaign successfully reached 1.4 milliononline mentions the first week it aired. The Spotify Wrapped campaign is so popular that it even has a Wikipediapage. But what if I asked you to explain what a ball-hat was and why it was valuable; could you do that? circles; you can do this for as long as you like, drawing up new circles to Neurobiologists believe enriched environments could speed up the rate at which the human brain creates new neurons and neural connections. Heres how to do it: Write down your goal, challenge, or content idea. The game is admittedly cheesy, but thats the point. These rewards can facilitate positive word-of-mouth marketing and drives new customers to your brand. In his 2012 New Yorker article entitled "Groupthink: The brainstorming myth, Jonah Leher pokes hole in the work by the OG brainstormer Alex Osborn, stating that, brainstorming (doesnt) unleash the potential of the group, but rather made each individual less creative. But theres a solution to this. doesnt have to be this way. Set up a system where people can share their ideas independently, then collaborate. element of note-taking, assigning someone to record everything will make sure Consider a change of scenery. feasible beyond the boardroom. Cover image by Joseph Kalinowski/Content Marketing Institute. accrued lots of ideas at the end of a brainstorm, its important to sort the That aha moment is a wonderful marketing tool when a customer realizes a product or services worth. Then, pass the grid around so that each So if you start with the word "dog," you might draw paws, a tail, and a collar. Markman suggests giving people time to think by themselves prior to the While certain brainstorming techniques often include some Ask your team to explain what the persons experience is, from that persons perspective. The term brainstorm elicits a vivid image of a storm of ideas in ones mind, however the term was coined by Alex Faickney Osborn (the O in BBDO) to describe the technique of using the brain to storm a creative problem and do so in commando fashion, with each stormer attacking the same objective. I prefer this image because it describes a method that not only uses teamwork, but attacking the problem without fear. Why not answer the questions on everyones minds? A: Brainstorming is a great technique for generating creative ideas. All rights reserved. Add related ideas to the map to show how they all relate and connect. We find brainwriting with confidence, so theyll be forthcoming with their ideas. In a round-robin session, each participant shares an idea and until everyone has shared something. Remember that the right people might not be those you work Think of a marketing campaign as the central theme or big idea your pieces of content revolve around. prepare before a brainstorm: Brainstorming from standstill is challenging, which is why Studies have found that enriched environments can contribute to the speed at which humans create new neurons. If you havent assembled the right people, you will come up short in the end with unrealistic pie-in-the-sky ideas and no real problem solving. Your brainstorming session should have structure; it should Doing this will help your team recognize an ideal customer when one appears, will help them to become more attuned to the customers needs and desires, and will allow them to quickly check whether or not they are working in a way that will appeal to their ideal customer. To help you brainstorm more ideas in a fast, easy, visual way, I'll share my favorite little hack: the content brainstorming key . With this detailed but easy-to-use Excel spreadsheet, your content creation efforts can be simplified tremendously. All you need to get going? A topic you want to write about. For the last 30 years leading creative marketing teams, Ive landed on a number of important guidelines that work well when were doing campaign brainstorming, especially with time constraints. Receive valuable, in-depth and strategic advice. Trigger brainstorming is a version of the round-robin technique. This game warms up listening skills and considers the previous contributions before opening your mouth. This is when Sunni Brown, author of The Doodle Revolution, wrote that, "When the mind starts to engage with visual language, you get the neurological access that you don't have when you're in linguistic mode.". So, what better place to find ways to warm-up, than inside the improv studio. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has a rule when it comes to meetings that applies to brainstorms too: Don't invite more people than could be fed by two pizzas. You canpromote any piece of content you create with social media and email campaigns. Too often, marketing teams schedule idea If your brainstorm is being dominated by a few outspoken individuals, it might be time to consider breaking out into smaller groups. Spotify Wrapped: The Anatomy Of A Well-Rounded Marketing Campaign, 11 More Successful Creative Marketing Campaign Ideas, Kicking Off Your Creative Campaign Ideation Process, Putting It All Together: How to Create a Marketing Campaign Proposal, Make Your Next Marketing Campaign a Success, Popeyes: Megan Thee Stallion Hottie Sauce, The Lip Bars Something BAWSE Is Coming, Find The Intersection Between Your Brand And Your Audiences Interests, Develop An Easy 30-Minute Brainstorming Process, Step 2: State Your Objective and Target Audience, Step 4: Determine How You Will Measure Success, 24 Creative Social Media Campaign Examples To Boost Your Inspiration, How To Market A Referral Program To Your Customers Using The Four Laws Of Behavior Change, 5 Rules For An Effective Thought Leadership Campaign, This Is The Social Media Posting Schedule That Will Boost Your Traffic By 192%, This Is The Best 30-Minute Content Marketing Brainstorming Process, How To Select Marketing Metrics And KPIs To Prove Your Strategy Works. Heres more information: Brainstorm a List of Potential Topics One of the first steps to start brainstorming your content marketing ideas is to create a list of topics you want to cover. See how CoSchedule customers have foundsuccess. Prepare the session. There are numerous ranking factors that marketers need to be aware of and resolve to remain competitive in website Today, the most accurate way to determine a person's health is by checking their vitals. A leader asks team members to write down their ideas over a week or so. Free and premium plans. Each person adjacent to the croucher must turn to the other and shoot at them with their hands. Read about our favorites to try with your team. At the end of Customers may be Negativity is not. It will also imbue participants Then, share what youve drawn with your team. Remember, though, the brainstorming session isnt a planning process. In some versions, participants pass the paper to another person who adds their ideas. When youve feasible and diverse range of ideas. That's why brainstorming sessions can be so helpful. Some may be best oriented toward one particular platform, while others could involve cross-platform promotion. "The result was a deeper dive into our exploration and more laughter and fun, which increased our aptitude for creativity.". person can share an idea. When not writing for CoSchedule, she enjoys listening to true crime podcasts, baking, and composing new songs on herukulele. 1) Come up with an initial From there, you go around the room in a circle and each person adds the next sentence to the story. and promote team building. One of the best This promotes active listening (something we all can benefit from). Don't shoot them down. (Kyle feverishly limbers up his fingers in preparation for his thoughts on running successful marketing brainstorms). WebKeep in mind that brainstorming ideas for content marketing is about more than just coming up with a list of topics. From there, act out a scene, with each team member playing that role. In the remaining eight circles, Cant make the pieces fit? you) should follow up with a summary of the groups favorite ideas, and outline next steps. You might be waiting for your turn to come around knowing that youre going to have Mike propose to Sally, but if the person before you kills off Sally, youre going to be stuck. If youve ever felt brain drained, stuck, or like you're hitting a major creative block, you know that going for a short, brisk walk can immediately snap you out of it. You can loop them back in when it feels right, but for now theyre on a need-to-know basis. Once set, ask your team to answer the question of why the problem is a problem. When challenged to create, rejuvenate, or rethink what your team does, its time to connect for a good brainstorming session. Work with a diverse group of individuals who all have on-the-ground knowledge of the problem youre trying to attack. The stepladder technique encourages team building while ensuring everyone has a chance in the spotlight. As it is, this game is particularly taxing on the creative, but the point is to show how negative reactions to ideas seem to make the picnic planning process tedious and clunky. One way to turn a few ideas into many is by breaking them down or building them up. Weve all been there, but it doesnt have to be like that! This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. You might throw one out yourself first to show them what you mean. problem or theme written in the centre circle. generation sessions, only to leave with amorphous, half-formed ideas. Do certain colors make you feel some kind of way? more information about how we can help your business, visit the homepage or get in touch today on 0345 459 The best way to get this ball rolling is to start with a proactive statement or open-ended question. Instead of yelling Bang! they must yell the other persons name. The duo in the room has a set amount of time to come up with ideas. The Five Whys. This exercise gets its name from the following fictional scenario: You are in an elevator with a big-name investor, buyer, or someone else that can bring your business to new heights, and you only have until they get off of the elevator to make your pitch. For each of these, more narrow topics are formed, and these become a list of topics for the content. Repeat unto you have used all 5 sticky notes. When times up, each group passes its ideas to the next one to build on. From there, the team can collate the ideas. In fact, brainstorms work best when every attendee is at about the same level, so next time, leave the boss out of it. things about having a dedicated note-taker is that it prevents the team from To kickstart your next content planning brainstorming process, experiment with one (or more) of these six techniques. Then, pass out five sticky notes to each member of your team and ask them to number them 1 through 5. Im listing this one first, because its a great ice breaker and it gets everyone on their feet and their blood pumping. Evaluating ideas too early in the process can derail brainstorming. From here, Cookie Policy, Things to Prepare Before a Brainstorming Session, Typography Rules Picking Font Sizes, Styles and Formats to Work on Your Website. 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Often called a question burst, one Harvard study suggests that this methodology enables everyone to feel safe and stomps out groupthink and the social anxiety that comes along with assumed judgement. individuals who dont normally work together, and ensures that the meeting gets Here is a list of five great activities that will help spark the right kind of thinking for your brainstorm: Everyone stands in a circle except for the moderator, who in this game acts as the sheriff. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. When its down to two left, there is a duel. Coca-Cola launched the Share A Coke campaign to create a personal relationship with consumers. Add them in! A judgement-free environment where criticism is withheld is important to prevent alienation and inspire creative thinking. To learn how to transform one topic you want to produce content on into countless content ideas, check out these five steps below. The two secret ingredients to a highly effective brainstorm are equal parts first-hand experience and group size. This answer goes on sticky note 1. Devote 10 minutes to each step, and youll have plenty of creative ideas to choose from. Sometimes when youre feeling stuck, try framing your session around a set of brainstorming questions rather than answers. Occasionally, youll get some really good ideas as a result of all the inspiration you just stuck on the board. These ideas can be used to shape your marketing teams content marketing editorial calendar, as well as your business development teams prospecting strategy. See how Infinite Red's Lead Designer, Justin Huskey, solved the challenges of brainstorming remotely. The company launched a campaign to get some additional use out of old commercials cleverly. While many brainstorming sessions are based on talking and reading, doodling helps people break out of the traditional mindset and think about familiar things in a different way, perhaps leading to unexpected connections. For more great team-building and brainstorming activities, check out Gamestorming by Dave Gray and Sunni Brown. In the almost 70 years since researchers have improved upon his process. It's by creating an atmosphere that breaks people out of their traditional mindset. Next, have everyone picture the new version of the e-book and start layering additional ideas. All it takes is some market research, such as looking at the most recent census data, to help jumpstart your efforts at brainstorming ideas. Fortunately, brainstorming is a technique that can be beneficial for coming up with great problem-solving ideas when used correctly. Evaluate the ideas and identify the ones that seem most worthwhile in.... 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